Tuesday, December 28, 2021

#NoahsArk #RacialArk #AlternativeWorldOrder #NationalRacialism #IdentityPoliticsForum #RaceCodeChess #OneBeltOneRoad #IronCurtain too thin and at wrong angle #EuropeanRacialPartition #WhiteHomeland


#NoahsArk #RacialArk #AlternativeWorldOrder #NationalRacialism #IdentityPoliticsForum #RaceCodeChess #OneBeltOneRoad #IronCurtain too thin and at wrong angle #EuropeanRacialPartition #WhiteHomeland 

Friday, March 26, 2021

#RacistsAnonymous #IdentityPoliticsForum #UnitedRaces #RacialReset #AlternativeWorldOrder #RacialWorldMap #GeoRacial #RacialSecession #RacialЯoundUp


1. In Racists Anonymous common welfare comes first. Personal, Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural construction depends upon unity among the Racists Anonymous community.

2. In the Racists Anonymous group purpose there is but one ultimate authority, which is God, in our own group consciousness. Our leaders are but trusted servants in Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural Governance.

3. The only requirement for Racists Anonymous membership is a desire to nullify and neutralise White Supremacy in order to build our own Race and Nation and increase the value of our own Ethnicity and Culture.

4. Each Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural group is autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Racists Anonymous as a whole.

5. Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural group has but one primary purpose which is to carry its message to the Racist who still suffers.

6. A Racists Anonymous group will never endorse, finance, or lend the Racists Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

7. Every Racists Anonymous group will be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

8. Racists Anonymous will remain forever non-professional, but our service centres may employ special workers.

9. Racists Anonymous will never be organised; but will create service boards or committees solely responsible to those they serve.

10. Racists Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Racists Anonymous name will never be drawn into public controversy.

11. Our public relations policy is based on Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural attraction rather than promotion; we need always to maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

12. Racists Anonymous is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

13. Racists Anonymous recognise the following Racial Codes:
IC1 White Northern European.
IC2 Dark Southern European.
IC3 Black.
IC4 Asian.
IC5 Oriental.
IC6 Arab/Mixed-Race/Middle Eastern.
IC7-9 Unknown.

14. Racists Anonymous recognise the following attributes of Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural identity:
1. Place of Birth.
2. Lineage.
3. Appearance (Visual Ethnicity).
4. State of Mind/Mindset.
5. DNA.

15. Racists Anonymous recognise that God is the spiritual personification of the collective will of our Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural group.

16. Racists Anonymous believe that the better the quality (spirit/faith) of our Racial, National, Ethnic, and Cultural group and the larger the quantity (body/flesh), of our Racial, National, Ethnic and Cultural group, the greater and stronger is our God.

17. Racists Anonymous share the values of Racial, National, Ethnic, and Cultural Sovereignty.

18. Racial, National, Ethnic, and Cultural sovereign groups representatives will nominate suitable Racial, National, Ethnic, and Cultural representatives to meet and decide what is best for Racists Anonymous.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

#UnitedRaces #UR #UnitedNations #UN #IdentityPoliticsForum #RacialSecession #RacialReligion #AlternativeWorldOrder #AWO #GeoRacial #RacialMorality #UnitedRaces #UR


The United Races (UR) is an intergovernmental organisation that aims to maintain interracial and international, peace and security, develop friendly relations among all races and nations, achieve interracial and international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of all races and nations.

It is the largest, most familiar, most globally represented and most powerful intergovernmental, international, and interracial organisation in the world, probably. The United Race (UR) is headquartered on egalitarian freedom of speech, territory in London, with its other networks spread throughout the world.

The United Races General Assembly (URGA) is one of the principal organs of the United Races (UR), serving as the main deliberative, policy-making, and representative organ of the UR. Its powers, composition, functions, and procedures are being developed at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England.

The United Races Security Council (URSC) is charged with maintaining peace and security among all nations and all races. While other organs of the UR can only make “recommendations” to member states, the United Races Security Council has the power to make binding decisions that member states have agreed to carry out. The decisions of the council are known as United Races Security Council resolutions.

The Interracial International Court of Justice, is temporarily located in Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England. The judges are appointed by the United Races General Assembly (URGA); every sitting judge must be from a different race.

It is temporarily based in the Identity Politics Forum in Speakers Corner. The Interracial International Court of Justice primary purpose is to adjudicate disputes among all races and ethnicities. The court is righteous and has heard cases related to war crimes, illegal state interference, racial genocide, and other issues. The Interracial International Court of Justice can also be called upon by other UR organs to provide advisory opinions.

The Economic and Social Council assists the United Races General Assembly (URGA) in promoting international economic and social co-operation and development. The Economic and Social Council has members, who are elected by the United Races General Assembly. The racial representatives are elected and chosen amongst the racial powers. The council has meetings for information gathering, advising races and nations, and making recommendations.

Specialised Agencies. The United Races (UR) agreement stipulates that each primary organ of the United Races can establish various specialised agencies to fulfil its duties. The specialised agencies are autonomous organisations working with the United races and with each other through the co-ordinating machinery of the Economic and Social Council.

Racial Rights.
One of the United Races (UR’s) primary purposes is promoting and encouraging respect for all racial and ethnic rights, and for all fundamental freedoms for all organisations with clear distinction as to race, ethnicity, language, sex, and religion, and member organisations pledge to undertake joint and separate action to protect these rights.

Monday, March 8, 2021

New #EnglishDefenceLeague #EDL #RacialCowardice #IdentityPoliticsForum #AlternativeWorldOrder #AWO #NewWorldOrder #NWO

New #EnglishDefenceLeague #EDL #RacialCowardice #IdentityPoliticsForum #AlternativeWorldOrder #AWO #NewWorldOrder #NWO

New English Defence League (EDL): We rescue defenceless English people suffering from #RacialCowardice. #IdentityPoliticsForum Englishness Summer programme of identity recovery. #AlternativeWorldOrder #AWO