Tuesday, February 4, 2020


In the battle between the Civic Nationalists (#CIVNATS) and the Ethno Nationalists (#ETHNATS) 

only the National Racialists (#NARZI’s) will be left standing to take power and glory. Just watch.

The confused Civic Nationalists (#CIVNATS) and the feeble Ethno Nationalists (#ETHNATS) will eventually come under

National Racialists (#NARZI’s) rule in the #RacialRepublic #ЯR. You will see.

The Civic Nationalists (#CIVNATS) and the Ethno Nationalists (#ETHNATS) will find 
their spiritual calling in the old/new Religion of #RacialMorality. #NationalRacialism (#NARZI)

After their battle the Civic Nationalists (#CIVNATS) and the Ethno Nationalists (#ETHNATS) will both eventually find peace in total submission to the superior ideological firepower of the National Racialists (#NARZI’s).

#IdentityPoliticsForum #IPF #RacialRepublic #ЯR 
#SpeakersCorner #HydePark #MarbleArch, #FreeSpeech #London #W2 

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